sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2022

WHY DID I CHOOSE MY MAJOR? or because she chosse me

When you are a kid, you often imagine yourself working in fancy professions in the future, like astronaut, fireman, actor or mad scientist, etc. But this is not my case, when I was a kid, I wanted to be a garbage worker, because, when I saw the workers throwing the bags hard and then going after the garbage truck, and seeing the wind crashing against their faces, all this apparent freedom and happiness I imagined myself being a garbage man. 

But, as I got older, I realized that job wasn't as much fun as it seemed. So I considered being an astronaut, but again I realized that only people in America with lots of money can be astronauts. After these disappointing choices, I decided to get to know myself better and figure out what my calling was. So I started taking vocational tests (bad idea). 

Finally, with the help of an ex XD, I can see my choices, first: History, Archeology and Gastronomy, the first one was discarded by my parents, because, let's be honest, history is not valued in this country. Anyway, for some reason they accept me in Anthropology (the main reason why I chose and study that right now). As you could know in my previous post, I'm not from Santiago, so, living alone and starting a career was very stressful, more the former than the latter. 

But as Sun Stuz said (he didn't really say it), inside the darkness there is always light. And in the career I meet really good, fantastic people, and getting out of my comfort zone is very good for me.

Drunk like shoe, after Calama.

In a event in Central Station with my classmates

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. hello benja, I hope you have been able to adapt well to the chaotic life in Santiago and that you are enjoying the carrer. When I was a kid I also liked watching the garbage workers work XD.
    P.S. We had a great time that day in central station.


My dream job in Arica.

Figure; Anthropomorphic figure from GE-2 (Pampa El muerto, Arica) with decorative elements (headdress, knee ornaments and girdle), wielding ...