jueves, 13 de abril de 2023

My best holidays

The last summer, the 2023 holiday, I travel with my family to Contulmo, little town in the eighth region
of Chile, but that is the second part of my vacations, the first part I pass in Arica my natal land, as
January 1 to 31, i visited all my friends of Arica, enjoy in the street and smoke alot weed, add of that
I coking with my grandmother, I really enjoying that, cakes, roscas, sopaipas, empanadas of cochayuyo
with cheese, etc. Also I know the new family member, the puppy Sasha, is very cute but is a mini
monster that breaks a lot of things in the house, like sofa, rug and plants, but anyway I love too much.

The second part was gone in Contulmo as said, but this summer it was specially because traveled with

my grandmother, the first flight she takes in his life, i loved having there, but, the same form that in Arica

I walk with my friends in the street and smoke weed (not a lot like Arica). I visited Tomé, Concepción,

Los Ángeles, Angol and Cañete, very beautiful places. 


martes, 4 de abril de 2023

I would like visit Mongolia

Personally, I thing that Mongolia is a country holds many mystery, begenning for the history, many occidental people forget the importancy of the Mongolian Empire for the modernity and all impacts in the mundial genetic. I would like to step on the same ground in which many lives and many stories were defined, all this add relevance and importance for me. 

For another side, the culture and the people are very different than in my country, for example, nomdism is a very common practice in Mongolia, unfortunately, currently many transhumant Mongolian communities have to stop with their traditions and looking for a future in Ulaanbaatar (capital of Mongolia). The Urtyn duu (translated as long songs) is an integral part of the Mongolian people, their music is for me another important subject, because the different notes, scales, instruments and patterns make me very happy :).

I would like to find myself in Mongolia, however, I need to cover my basic needs, and for that it is necessary to work. What I mean find myself is, to get to know as many new things I can, smells, tastes and drugs (obviously). Through these new experiences to nurture myself spiritually, (but not in the hippie form buajaja) and to experience the fullness, something like the oceanic sensation.

I don´t know how happend, but the landscapes transported me, and the pictures in generally, look the immensity of the steppe transported me, to a different places and various times.

My dream job in Arica.

Figure; Anthropomorphic figure from GE-2 (Pampa El muerto, Arica) with decorative elements (headdress, knee ornaments and girdle), wielding ...